Sweat Free

February 20, 2009

A few months ago I co-started an anti-sweatshop group at my school (Webster University) along with several other students.  It seems to be picking up steam and the issue was brought up by another concerned student at the bureaucratic nightmare they like to call the “delegates agenda”.  Exciting news!  It made me think of this old animation I made for a class a while ago…

As a final project for an International Human Rights course at Webster University in St. Louis I created a human rights awareness pamphlet on Israel and the occupied territory. It provides an overview of the recent developments in this extremely complex issue as well as some pictures and artwork. The idea was to create it sort of in the style of the Amnesty International magazines… I turned it in today. Here are a few pages of it:

It’s Only Water

April 26, 2008

Notice the man performing cannot help but crack a smile as he walks out of frame. Because the torture has been slightly removed from reality and the victim has been dehumanized (being a teddy bear) the man performing has forgotten he is reenacting violent and grotesque method of torture. It illustrates the startling methodology of the U.S. government and how it works. By dehumanizing Muslims and Arabic people in general as violent terrorists, the U.S. can convince relatively moral people to drown another human being all while smiling for the camera.